Sunday, December 18, 2011

NEW BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have just finished* my new book! It is called "Giant Snail meets Kutie Kat". Somtime after X-mas, in Jan. I will post my books on my blog! Be sure to check them out!

*Presicley 4:12 PM December 18,2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

What should I call the next Giant Snail book?
Please answer.

Giant Snail...

What do you think I should call the next Giant Snail book?
Post your answer/answers.

My Newest Book That I Finished Today!

My second book about Giant Snail is called Giant Snail and when the garbage cans attack. It is about how trash cans from planet trash come down to Snail Land and demand to get things from the snails! The snails work and work and after 10 months they get what the cans want. But then the cans come back to Snail Land another time. But what are they coming back for? More stuff? Read Giant Snail and when the garbage cans attack to find out!

The (almost) Newest Book That I Wrote

My first Giant Snail book was called Giant Snail and the Zucchini. It is all about how Giant takes Mystery Snail’s zucchini. Mystery makes a list of suspects and talks to them. Then Mystery finds out Giant did it! But is Mystery mad or happy? Read Giant Snail and the Zucchini to find out!